AJ Complete Rarity List

Hey so I am going to post a AJ rarity list. Please if you copy this, give me credits, I made this on my 100% opinion. The item that comes first is the rarest.

0. Skullies (Removed from the game.) (I don't know if anyone still has this)
0.1. Black and white Top Hat (Removed from game, not black, white and red top hat.)
1.0. Brown Beard (Is it black, brown or pink that comes first?)
1.0.0. Pink Gazzles (Lilac has them, only a few Jammers have these.)
-----------------------------------BIG GAP-----------------------------------
1. Founder's Hat
1.2 Gazzles (I don't know but someone said Gazz. should be here O.O)
1.3 Non Member Bat Wings (Now they are member in stores, so the nm ones are beta. Super beta.)
2. Rare Spiked Collar (Black)
3. Rare Spiked Collar (Blue)
4. Rare Spiked Collar (Yellow)
5. Rare Spiked Collar (Red)
5.10. Rare Spiked Collar (Purple)
6. Rare Spiked Collar (Pink)
7. Rare Spiked Collar (Green)
8. Rare Spiked Collar (Orange)
9. Rare Wrist (Black)
10. Rare Wrist (Blue)
11. Rare Wrist (Yellow)
12. Rare Wrist (Red)
13. Rare Wrist (Pink)
14. Rare Wrist (Green)
15. Rare Wrist (Orange)
-----------------------------------BIG GAP-----------------------------------
1. Arctic Hood (Original Color, light-ish blue.).
2. Mech Helmet (I am not sure with what colors come first, please comment below on your opinion.).
-There are a lot of items in this gap as I am not sure with some items :I)
*Rare Mech Helmets was a 2012 Monday Rare, now worth a party hat and a few betas.*
-----------------------------------BIG GAP-----------------------------------
1. Headdresses
2. Top Hats (Plain black first.).
3. Viking
4. -Comeback Betas (Betas that have a high potential to come back)
-----------------------------------BIG GAP-----------------------------------
1. - Re-Release Betas.
-----------------------------------BIG GAP-----------------------------------
1. Store items
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- End!_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 

OK, I missed about 1K plus items. Feel free to add. Big gaps mean there's a lot of rarity difference in them. Founder's and Pink Gazzles have big gap in them. Founder's are worth 4 longs, depends on what color the user wants, just 4 longs is a fair trade for a Founder's Hat. But I don't recommend trading 4 long Orange, pink and green spikes, since many people don't really like them and they have low demand, so be careful when you offer. But since Founder's is something that people don't want to trade off, you might want to overtrade.

Spikes are undecided items. Users won't trade their spikes unless they are willing to give it away for a fair trade or have many. Many Jammers want overtrades for their spikes. So fair trades won't work now.

Liars are increasing in Jamaa, so don't belive the people who say "Hey! Orange is the rarest spike color!". That is just a scam. Ignore everyone who says "Hey that was overtrade!" or "Hey that was fair!". Enough of getting scammed.

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